MobTxt: We can learn so much from fiftysomethings. Our generations have so much in common. Iowa is great, more later.
18 May 2007
14 May 2007
newsflash: language repetitive!
19 April 2007
04 April 2007
24 March 2007
19 March 2007
dc: a few snapshots
11 March 2007
08 March 2007
DC snippets...
Overheard on the plane: "it's a beautiful day tomorrow!"
Best texas barbeque I have ever had: in Chinatown, Washington DC.
What does it say about my personality if I think that I would be happy spending the entire day underground in the Metro system, switching trains, watching people, taking notes?
Washington/Lincoln memorials at night = two of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my entire life.
On-tap for tomorrow: Native American History Museum? Arlington Cemetary? Not sure about much, but sure about several things... much more Pentagon city, much more food, and much more fun.
Stay tuned.
05 March 2007
philosophical pearl
"A finite clam can better understand a finite human being
than a finite human being can understand an infinite god."
02 March 2007
eyes turned skywards
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been, and there you will long to return."
-Leonardo DaVinci
26 February 2007
sapere aude
What is really bothering me, I think, is that I haven't been asking these questions all along. The Church has raised me as a Christian who knows all kinds of nifty phrases like "resurrection of the body and the life everlasting," "saved by grace through faith," and "Light of the world." But this is such a hollow way to do things, and I can't stand it anymore. I need some meat on these bones-- some substance for all their flowery language. The protocol on which we stand means absolutely nothing other than the fact that we are a part of a community. But what does that community stand for?
Do we stand for justice? What is just about putting new stained-glass windows across the street from the poorest housing development in the city? Do we stand for mercy? How can we allow the political party which has hijacked us support corporate punishment? Perhaps we stand for love-- only let's not love those who love differently than we do...
This has no real point, other than the fact that I have never been more un-certain of religion. Not religion, maybe-- the church. And I am delighted with it, simply because it hasn't damaged my faith. If anything, I think I own my faith more now than ever before. You can't tell me what to do.