26 April 2006

betcha dint know

Every second, lightning strikes the surface of the earth 100 times.

100 TIMES.


So imagine that 500 lightning bolts have hit the earth since you've been reading this. Just like that.

Maybe I should be a meteorologist. I love physics but I'm not so sure how all that math would go...

24 April 2006

weekend (suspended)

Had an excellent weekend. But I just found this on the BBC and it's more important. First dress rehearsal for Pirates tonight. More later...

19 April 2006

ten twelve

Out of nowhere, I am so thankful. It isn't anything that anyone has said, or anything that has happened, I am just so thankful. Sometimes you hear about people who have near-death experiences, or hear a sermon or something-- and it makes them realize how good they have it. But today I just got overwhelmed for some random reason. I have absolutely no idea why, and it might sound strange, but I'm so thankful that I'm thankful. So keenly aware of how blessed I am that it doesn't take an accident for me to realize how lucky I am. Just glad to be alive. Here. With family and friends who are healthy and who love me for me.

I am entirely broke. In every sense of the word. Wallet, heart, brain. I have no money, no major, no idea what's coming next year (or the year after that, or the year after that...). I don't know what my faith is anymore, and it scares the shit out of me. (No, I do not need to be witnessed to, thank you very much.)

And yet, I'm ok. No, I am fantastic. I love this place, I love my friends, I love this mess. Because what is the alternative? People who say that they have everything together are sad, sad individuals. I don't want everything together. This is an adventure, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world. There are people who didn't wake up this morning who would do anything to be back in this mess. There are people who did wake up this morning who would do anything to trade their mess for mine.

Cripes, what a rant. I guess this is what I get from trying to read my whole Emerson assignment in one night...

15 April 2006

on break but still here...

WE know where we are!

great good friday

grant and pk wrastlin

lake vermillion on good friday

after swimming at adam's on thursday

HAPPY EASTER! Eric and Dad were here yesterday afternoon and today, that was fun. We (me, the guys, and Eric) went and saw Firewall. It was OK. We have a sweet tribal cave/fort. Slept in it last night, renovated it today. Life is so good!

13 April 2006

don't read my blog

This is why I think blogging is ridiculous: because there are other people out there who are actually saying things that need to be heard. What do I blog about? The weather. My friends. What happened in class. The same bourgeois crap that everybody else blogs about. Read something worthwhile. Not that my life isn't, but it certainly isn't very consequential!

for starters: Iraqi Blogs tell of Violence, Hope-- Al Jazeera

11 April 2006

sunshine on my shoulders

the spring is bringing all kinds of new mischief:

a sweet new game

yet another beautiful day at Falls Park

10 April 2006


Yes, it is seventy-six and sunny in Sioux Falls, South Dakota right now. YES, Kelli and I are going to Falls Park to study. YES, I am staying here for Easter. YES, I think I've decided to take the PA position, because I know it will be a blast, and an exceptional learning experience, and I will still see a ton of the friends whom I really care about. YES, I'm nervous about going to the banquet tonight... even though I know I shouldn't be...

05 April 2006

germany dos

Some of the pictures that Christian took are on his website...

germany one

Germany was absolutely AMAZING! And I have no idea whatsoever where to start, but I think a few pictures might be in order...