30 September 2006

a glad version

"bad hair day night"

out to dinner

a game



My new obsession is a band called "The Glad Version." They're from the cities, and their lead singer Adam was at the Fringe Fest.

In other news, I've got the autumnal cough/cold that I get every year. Didn't make it to the homecoming game, but I don't feel to bad since we stood in the freezing rain in Omaha. Apparently it was a good game, though I do feel much better after sleeping all day and watching Finding Nemo twice through.

I've realized I'm in a rut, but I've also realized that it's okay since I've realized it. Does that make sense? I'm working on it, no worries.

The girls on my floor are great. They're wild and friendly and loud and creative and great. It's going to be a good year.

I got footie pajamas at Target. They glow in the dark, and I plan on buying at least three more pairs.

I've got three tests next week, but I'm only really concerned about government. I LOVE archaeology. I've been thinking maybe I'll end up in Australia to study anthropology instead of Ireland for government/religion. We'll see.

We're going to the Firehouse tonight, there's a dance, too. Tomorrow we're going to Vikings Varieties. Happy Homecoming!

19 September 2006


Wow, it has been quite a while since I've written in this little chunk of cyberspace. Partly because I've been busy, but mostly because I've been back to writing in the real-world. Something about typing makes me think I'm doing it for an audience (as if anyone even reads this), which automatically turns on the vocabulary-grammar-spelling machine in my college-conditioned head. So I finally went back to my old notebook and a cheap ballpoint pen. That's the way it should be, really. Without anything terribly fantastic to say, I think it would be a bit conceited for me to write about piddly things that fill my day. I'm not in a different country, I'm not at a new school, I don't work for the devil who wears Prada. This isn't supposed to be melodramatic, just honest and apologetic for the few people who I know check up on me now and then...but I TALK to you guys every week at least. I was in Chicago two weekends ago. Maybe going to Omaha this weekend. I'm staying at school for Fall and Easter breaks. At least. More later maybe, take it easy kids.