22 June 2006

two two two

It is so hopeful to me that there are people who are both fiscally successful and socially responsible. AND that there are some in Minnesota, AND that they are vocal and active. Today's Minneapolis Star Tribune had a full-page ad on the back of the world section from a group called "Growth and Justice."

Some rich Minnesotans want to pay more taxes

Raising $2 Bn by charging 2% more on the highest-earning 2% of Minnesotans-- with a lower increase on the middle-class, and virtually nothing on incomes under $45,000-- sounds OK to me. I guess I'm not in the highest 2%, but that's two cents on each dollar. I think I might be in the LOWEST-earning 2% of Minnesotans, and I would STILL be willing to pay two cents on each dollar that I make, if I could be assured that it would go towards education, or health care for children, or sustainable transportation options. The problem is: once the government gets ahold of the money, it's like a black hole. The accountability isn't there-- and why should it be, if citizens don't demand it?

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