04 June 2006

fourth of june

Was at Gull this week, saying goodbye. It is weird, weird, weird to be gone. Hopefully I'll make it back once more before they close on the house at the end of the month. It was a grand farewell, anyway-- perfect weather, and all the usual critters were out and about, and the water was fantastic. Got to visit PK, too, which was sweet as usual.

I had my first training for swimming lessons yesterday. I think it's going to be great! The guy who's in charge seems really cool, and it will probably be a lot of fun. I'm only a little nervous, about controlling crazy kids...but shouldn't be anything I haven't handled before!

Going to Savers today-- finally! And I got the fishtank taken care of. The room is coming together...just found out, though, that Judy and Doug and Chris-- and maybe Morganne, Michelle, Madison, and Mark, are ALL staying HERE next week. I'm so glad that they're all coming to visit, but shouldn't they be staying at Jeanne and Chas's ENORMOUS house? Or at least D and T's relatively large house? It will be an adventure squeezing everybody in, to say the least! Really excited to see all of them, though!

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